These two drivers just happen to be members of the family which own our sawmill – and the brothers are no strangers to hard work.
You’d most often find Alex (above) working at the family owned Mellington Hall Hotel and Holiday Home Park but since that’s in Wales and affected by COVID-19 restrictions, and since the Mill cannot produce timber and co-products fast enough at the moment, he’s helping out turning bark which is destined for use in horticulture by Melcourt Industries – a business which the same family part owns.
Sam, (below) is undertaking an apprenticeship at the Mill and he can be seen here unloading timber which has just come out of our state-of-the-art Timber Treatment Centre.

In their love of machinery, they are both definitely chips off the old block. On this occasion older brother Alex has probably got the better deal when it comes to vehicle: he’s driving a brand new Volvo L90H loader which has all the very latest innovative features including, crucially, improved fuel efficiency and dramatically reduced emissions.